Brianna Wu Battles More Than Video Game Villains

Men overwhelmingly dominate the gaming industry. According to a 2017 report by the International Game Developers Association, people who identified as women only made up about 21% of the gaming industry. Key Takeaways The women in the gaming industry are doing big things to make gaming inclusive for everyone.Brianna Wu is best known for creating the Revolution 60 game and for speaking out against Gamergate.Expect more games designed by Wu in the future....

October 6, 2022 · 4 min · 788 words · Glenn Brunet

Builderman Simulator Codes January 2023

We have a list of all the updated codes for the Roblox Builderman Simulator, to redeem free items as rewards. These codes are case-sensitive, and they also can expire any time in the coming days. So make sure to redeem them as soon as you can. So with that said let’s jump right into it. These codes are working as of January 9, 2023, when we checked. But Roblox codes tend to expire in 2 to 3 days....

October 6, 2022 · 2 min · 307 words · Michelle Gray

Bypass Password Prompt For Free Apps In Mac App Store

Whenever you try to download an app from the Mac App Store, you are prompted to enter your Apple ID and password. While that precaution is good for the paid apps so that you do not end up accidentally buying an app that you do not need, the same precaution just does not fit perfectly with the free apps. If you happen to wander around Mac App Store for quite some time and try to test new apps, it can get annoying that the password prompt is sent by Apple each time you download an app....

October 6, 2022 · 3 min · 594 words · Don Wright

Clubhouse Teams Up With Ted Talks For Exclusive Content

The Clubhouse app is teaming up with TED Talks to bring the popular informational talks to its app. Exclusive TED Talks will take place on the Clubhouse app, starting with a weekly room on Mondays called “Thank Your Ass Off,” Clubhouse’s official Twitter account tweeted the news on Sunday. According to The Hollywood Reporter, “Thank Your Ass Off” features Clubhouse creator Mir Harris in conversation with author and TED speaker A....

October 6, 2022 · 2 min · 298 words · Mallory Dolejsi

Configure The K9 Spam Email Filter

After you have trained it a bit, K9 knows spam from good mail pretty precisely. But if only K9 knows the benefit for you is negligible. Training K9 There must be a way for K9 to communicate this knowledge about spam to you – or your email client for automatic filtering. As it turns out, there is more than one way. You can have K9 mark spam in the Subject so you can spot it at a glance....

October 6, 2022 · 1 min · 173 words · Juana Shipman

Customize The Right Click Menu In Windows 7

Adding some extra features in the right click menu is a good practice to ease your work and save the time. You can add several items like Command prompt, Copy the contents to clipboard, CopyTo, MoveTo in your right click context menu in Windows7. These additions obviously will benefit you by saving your time. Let’s discuss about the methods one by one. All the methods described in this article are based on registry editing....

October 6, 2022 · 4 min · 745 words · Robert Evans

Cyberpunk 2077 How To Get Legendary Weapons Farm Legendary Guns

Legendary weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 are the best weapons that you can get your hands on in the game. These weapons are the best in their class and give the maximum stats any weapon has in the game. If you’re out in Night City to get legendary weapons in the game, check out this guide right here. How To Get Legendary Weapons In Cyberpunk 2077 Win Boss Fights Crafting Rewards Merchants There are four ways in which you can get legendary weapons in Cyberpunk 2077, you can take on bosses and hope they drop a legendary weapon, you can craft a weapon and upgrade it to legendary status, you can get one as a reward for completing quests or you can simply hop over to a merchant and purchase with in-game money....

October 6, 2022 · 3 min · 555 words · Hortense Poulin

Demon S Souls Day One Patch File Size More For Ps5 Detailed

The local PS5 launch titles include the remake of the dark RPG Demon’s Souls. As it became known, you have to download or install a small Day-One patch before you start for the first time. While we have to wait until next week, the PlayStation 5 in North America and Japan will be released tomorrow, Thursday. The launch titles for the new PlayStation include the remake of FromSoftware’s dark role-playing classic Demon’s Souls....

October 6, 2022 · 2 min · 298 words · Mary Allen

Digital Storm S Aura 34 All In One Gaming Pc Packs 10 Core Cpu And Gtx 1080 Gpu

We’ve seen previously powerful All-in-One gaming PCs, now it’s the time to see a new take from Digital Store. The custom PC manufacturer has unveiled Aura, a 34-inch curved PC packing the latest hardware for a gaming system, including Intel’s (10-core) Broadwell-E Core i7-6950X processor and the amazing Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 graphics card to make everything play smoothly in the 3440 x 1440-pixel resolution ultra-wide display. Digital Storm Aura is a stunning gaming system that doesn’t compromise, as the company ensures that you can replace any component, including the motherboard and graphics card with any off-the-shell component....

October 6, 2022 · 2 min · 281 words · Paula Shook

Don T Let Your Wireless Mouse Or Keyboard Get Hacked

You may be familiar with how hacking works and how people can gain access to your computer across the Internet. It may seem weird to believe that hackers can crack into wireless mice and keyboard adapters and use them for their own purposes. Unfortunately, it’s not as strange as you may think! Exploiting a security flaw in some adapters, hackers can now control or monitor the inputs a user makes into a computer from within a 100 meter radius....

October 6, 2022 · 5 min · 1052 words · Clara Miracle

Drones Could Help Farmers Raise More Food

Drones have become a familiar sight hovering over farms around the country, and experts say technological advances could help the unmanned flying craft revolutionize agriculture. Key Takeaways Advances in drone technology could help revolutionize farming. A researcher is working to incorporate machine learning applications and on-device computation into drones used in agriculture.High-speed wireless 5G networks that are being rolled out could make drones even more useful. Data engineer Somali Chaterji was recently awarded a grant to research better ways to integrate drones into farming....

October 6, 2022 · 4 min · 737 words · Christopher Cook

Easily Store Encrypted Backups In The Cloud With Duplicati

The popularity of services like Skydrive, Google Drive, and more, indicates the increasing trust and dependency of people using cloud storage. Coupled with the falling prices, these services offer a convenient way to create system backups on remote servers. Download/Install Duplicati can be downloaded from its official website and is available for Linux, as well as Windows and Mac platforms. Ubuntu users can download the .deb file and double-click to install it....

October 6, 2022 · 4 min · 683 words · Carmen Drewett

Edifier R1280T Speakers Review Beautifully Simple Sound

Edifier R1280T Powered Bookshelf Speakers High-quality sound Beautiful design Reasonable price Lack of connectivity options Little sound-shaping controls A little heavy and bulky For the reasonable price, great sound, and beautiful design, you’d be hard-pressed to do better than the Edifier R1280T as entry-level powered bookshelf speakers. Design Durability and Build Quality Setup Process and Controls Sound Quality Price Competition Final Verdict Specs We purchased the Edifier R1280T Powered Bookshelf Speakers so our expert reviewer could thoroughly test and assess it....

October 6, 2022 · 8 min · 1584 words · Amy Thomas

Elden Ring Golden Halberd Build

Golden Halberd is one of the strongest weapons in Elden Ring that can spell trouble for your enemies with the right build. What makes this weapon fearsome is its holy damage. As most enemies and bosses don’t carry around holy resistance, this makes it easier for it to penetrate their defenses. But this weapon is not easy to wield. You can get it quite early by beating the Tree Sentinel. It required you to have the following stats Strength 30, Dexterity 14, and Faith 12....

October 6, 2022 · 2 min · 385 words · Nancy Pyne

Enable Or Disable Disk Write Caching In Windows 10

Disk Write Caching is a feature where data write-requests are not immediately sent to the hard disk, and they are cached into fast volatile memory (RAM) and later sent to hard disk from the queue. The benefit of using Disk Write Caching is that it allows the application to run faster by temporarily storing the data write-requests to RAM rather than the disk. Thus, increasing the system performance but using Disk Write Caching can also lead to data loss or corruption due to power outage or another hardware failure....

October 6, 2022 · 3 min · 558 words · Helen Morris

Final Fantasy Xiv Patch 5 5 Update How To Get The New 5 5 Mounts

Final Fantasy XIV is here with a new Patch 5.5 that brings in new items in the game such as the Gilded Mikoshi mount. There are a total of 5 new mounts in the game. These are Gilded Mikoshi, Golden Ronkan, Antelope Stag, Antelope Doe, and Landerwaffe. These new mounts are part of the much-awaited patch 5.5 that is here to keep the game fresh. In this guide, we will show you how to get the new Patch 5....

October 6, 2022 · 3 min · 461 words · Tammi Scott

Finalized Usb 3 1 Spec Promises 10Gbps Guest Post

Guest post — End users have always had an insatiable desire for speed and the finalization of the USB 3.1 standard corroborates it. USB 3.1 effectively doubles the maximum theoretical throughput of USB 3.0 from 5Gbps to 10Gbps. That’s pretty fast. But don’t get too excited yet. You’ll need hardware that’s been specifically designed to take advantage of the USB 3.1 standard; currently none exist. In fact, the USB promoter group doesn’t expect any devices with USB 3....

October 6, 2022 · 2 min · 380 words · Jesus Sheppard

Fix Error In Formatting Usb Flash Drive

Diskpart is a Windows built-in utility primarily used for managing disks inserted on the computer. Cleaning or formatting a storage device such as a USB, or HDD device is also possible. Users usually format the storage devices using Windows Explorer, sometimes this process can occur with an error, so they try to fix the error by formatting using the Diskpart command. Diskpart is a CMD command and is a very powerful tool to format any storage drive....

October 6, 2022 · 9 min · 1888 words · Ruth Mckinney

Fix Msvcp140 Dll Is Missing In Windows 10

If you launch a game or a program, you may have received the following error message “The program can’t start because MSVCP140.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem”. Well, the MSVCP140.dll is a part of the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 package. All the applications which are developed using Visual C++ which require the above package to run the applications. What is the MSVCP140....

October 6, 2022 · 5 min · 863 words · Willie Washington

Fix Windows Time Service Not Working

Fix Windows Time Service not working: If you’re facing issues with your clock then it’s possible that Windows Time service might not be working correctly which is why you’re facing this issue but don’t worry as today we are going to discuss how to fix this issue. The main cause seems to be Windows time service which doesn’t start automatically which is causing the delay in date and time. This issue can be fixed by enabling Time Synchronization in Task Scheduler but this fix may or may not work for everyone as every user have different system configuration....

October 6, 2022 · 5 min · 995 words · Heather Peake