Beneath all the flashy new upgrade that FIFA 20’s marketing team promises lies a game that is genuinely good and ones that will keep fans revisiting over and over again. For all the flaws that the FIFA series has had all these years, FIFA 20 brings elements to the game that will always deliver.

  • Gameplay 8 Graphics 8 Music 8 Macho 10

It takes some time getting used to the changes FIFA 20 has introduced and if you are an avid FIFA fan you will instantly notice the difference in gameplay mechanics like passing, shooting and some of the defending. FIFA 20 makes the previous entry seem unimaginative.

To experience the best FIFA 20 has to offer, I suggest you grab a couple of friends and head over to the new game mode titled “Mystery Ball” it is a great way to keep yourself and your friends guessing as to what type of experience you will get from it, but ultimately it pays off great and you will certainly enjoy that.

Beyond that FIFA 20 delivers the same that FIFA 19 and others before it did, which is not a bad thing at all. The gameplay seems fluid enough that you will not want to smash your controller, it doesn’t frustrate you, but the game will challenge you.

The visuals seem to be improving as each year passes on, but you do think that some of the new things introduced in FIFA 20, do so remind of the old FIFA days which lacked most of the swanky features today’s games have but it still was a fun football game.

EA finally decided to take things not so seriously with FIFA 20, it doesn’t feel corporate and for it feels like they aren’t tightening their grip on this product as they have before. FIFA 20 feels like it was made with real input from the community, inclusive of features that will grow the community even more.

Volta Football is nothing but rebranded FIFA Streets in FIFA 20, and we cannot believe why it took EA so many years to include this mode in FIFA as this is one of the highlights of the game, EA was right to market this gameplay mode heavily. Of all the changes made to the Freekicks and Penalties can be frustrating at first, but as you get used to them you will have better control than ever before in the series. FIFA 20 takes some getting used to, but once it does it is one addictive game you will not want to put down.

Volta Football does replace The Journey and FIFA 20 has no mention of Alex Hunter, but this is a welcome change. You still get the drama of a story mode but this time around it is closer to home and on a street level. This will surely have tons of fans as FIFA 20 will certainly keep growing.

The Manager Mode finally has the option of conversing with the players as they bring their complaints and praises to you, for the first time you now can have a two way conversation which directly affects the morale of the players.

Finally FUT, the Ultimate Team feature has been one of the biggest reasons why FIFA series has reigned supreme and continues to grow. The FIFA brand solely depends on the FUT mode where players can matchmake and play 1v1 against opponents online.

This progression and daily challenge mode draw a lot of criticism as this feature gives the incentive to play to win scenarios. This year around EA has finally decided to make a few changes to the FUT mode. Though you will still have a better chance of good players if you keep buying packs, the challenges and rewards feel more fulfilling this time around.

FIFA 20 has been a much rewarding, fulfilling and complete experience compared to any other FIFA titles going back more than a decade, but if you still want to get the best out of the game then it is best to grab a couple of friends and play co-op.