Fallout 76 new Legendary Vendor who looks like a mole called Purveyor is coming up early which was previously scheduled for the last week of May. The latest patch adds a Vending machine that allows players to buy/sell items in the game allowing them to interact well in Fallout 76. The patch also brought tons of new items with an important update hard to ignore, and that is the Legendary Vendor.

Legendary Vendor Purveyor is coming on May 16, who will Legendary Armor, Legendary Melee Weapon, Legendary Ranged Weapon starting from one to max three-star items and a Murmrgh’s Mystery Pick. Players can buy the items by paying through Legendary Scrip.

The Purveyor only deals in Legendary Items, you can use Exchange Machines at Train Station to break down the Legendary items to get Legendary Scrip. To find the Purveyor go to previously abandoned Train Station in Berkley Springs.

With this Fallout 76 will be getting Patch 9.5 later this month that will add a new repeatable event called Project Paradise. The patch will also carry some bug fixes, and it can possibly make its way till May 21. For the event, players will have to check Inside the Vault next week.

Source: Fallout 76 Patch Details