In the new Fallout 76 update, you can visit the Pitt as a part of the Expeditions feature. This is the thirteenth major update featuring the iconic ruins of Pittsburgh from the Fallout 3 DLC. To keep the players engaged, the devs at Bethesda continue to provide fresh content with new updates. And as a part of this update, you can participate in two new missions. But before reaching Pitt, you’ll have to meet certain requirements. This guide features everything you need to get into the City of Steel.

How to Get to the Pitt in Fallout 76

To get to the Pitt, you will have to visit the Whitespring Refuge, charge the Ultracite Battery, and use it to fly the Vertibird plane.

The Whitespring Refuge Tasks

Entering the Pitt

Once the Ultracite Battery is charged, you can use the Vertibird plane to get to the Pitt. Open your map and click on the New Expedition icon. You can either start a new expedition or resume the expedition. After every trip, you’ll have to complete three daily quests to recharge the battery and they will be mentioned on the expedition menu. The two major quests in the Pitt are:

  • Union Dues
  • From Ashes to Fire

Both of these quests require you to fight against the Fanatics and it can be difficult. So we recommend you carry your best weapons and armor before starting them.

That’s everything you should know on how to get to the Pitt in Fallout 76. For more helpful guides like How to Get Legendary Cores, make sure you check out our Fallout 76 section.