People like to talk about who they are and what they like. Facebook is giving people another way to show their friend what their interest are. Adding apps to your Timeline is pretty new, but there are quite the variety of apps to add.

Some may see this as adding clutter, others may see it as way to add more personalization. Others yet will see it as another reason to make Facebook their main social hub. Whatever the reason, here is how to add Apps to your Facebook Timeline.

What Timeline apps are available?

For starters, there are about 80 apps at the time of this writing. You can check them out at the about apps page. Many of these you may already be using, either on your smart phone or a web app. Some examples of available apps are UrbanSpoon, Pinterest, TripAdvisor and Rhapsody.

How to add an app to your Timeline

You may already have some apps posting to your timeline. To see if you do, you can follow these steps:

At the top right corner of your Facebook admin page (the page where you can see the feed with all of your friend’s updates), click on the tiny arrow. Now Select Account Settings.

Select the Apps tab from the left sidebar.

These are the apps you have already granted access to post on your Timeline. This is also a good time to clear out any apps you do not want to have access to your Facebook account.

Add new apps to your Timeline

To add new apps, you can go to this page and click on services you already use or would like to use. When you click on the links you will be taken to that site and asked to sign in with your Facebook credentials.

Then you will be asked to grant access to post to your Timeline.

That’s about all there is to it. From that point on, when you use an app like Snooth, it will post to your timeline what wine you are tasting.

Timeline app settings

You can adjust the settings of the applications. If you don’t want the applications posting things on your Public Timeline, you can make the adjustments or even eliminate the app from posting to your Timeline. Here’s how:

In the apps tab, the one where you can see all of the applications you have granted access to, you can click on the application you want to limit. In this tab, you will see an drop down box to set the privacy limitations.

If you look just above the privacy drop down, you will see the option to remove the ability for the application to post to your Timeline.


There are certain things I would want on my Timeline. There are times when it is fun to go back and see what you were saying and interested in a year ago. There are also applications I would not want every single activity or song posted and etched into Facebook history.

Overall, I like how easy it is to add an application and how easy it is to limit who sees the updates from these 3rd party applications. Just remember to go back every so often and clean out unused applications.

Do you like the idea of applications posting to your Timeline or do you think it will cause clutter?

Trevor is a freelance writer covering topics ranging from the Android OS to free web and desktop applications. When he is not writing about mobile productivity, He is coaching and playing the world’s greatest game… Soccer.

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