The widely popular account in twitter @evleaks, which was widely popular for its leaks, is reported to stop updating further. Evan Blass, the man behind the scenes and the account owner as well as updater, had tweeted about it. After a two-year long leak history of smartphones, he said he is now retiring from the work.

It was @evleaks,which showed the world first about most of the flagships and other devices released for the past few years. Sony Xperia Tablet Z2, HTC One M8, and Samsung Galaxy F (which is yet unannounced) are quite a few example of the devices which he had shown the world first. Evan Blass used to update about the leaks even before he started using @evleaks, and the tweet he posted yesterday (August 3rd, 2014) about his retirement was:

The @evleaks was a source for updating about most of the smartphones and tablets leaks for most of the websites, (including us :D). Almost every blogs and news had published an article related to @evleaks several times. Evan Blass, before he started the widely appreciated twitter account, was an editor at Engadget and PocketNow. After remaining anonymous for about a year in twitter, he had revealed his identity last year.

— Evan Blass (@evleaks) 3. August 2014

Evan Blass has stated that the major reason behind the retirement was his progressive health deterioration, and inability to properly monetize the account and its contents. He said that he has multiple sclerosis, and he now needs a new job, which will help him earn enough for the treatment and his better future. There are currently 187,000 followers of @evleaks, most of which are the tech enthusiasts, journalists and geeks.

It is certainly a bad news for the tech lovers around the globe, and the images of the unannounced devices with @evleaks logo watermark in them will surely be missed in the future. The tweet about the retirement being retweeted thousands of times proves this.

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