As Elden Ring does not let you tweak the difficulty level, it is equally challenging for beginners as well as veteran players of the Souls series. Its extensive open world allows players to grind on different quest lines and main bosses. While you explore the mystical Lands Between, you will receive trophies for completing a range of tasks. If you are an Xbox player, you will unlock achievements as you proceed. Most of the objectives involve defeating main bosses while some of the trophies require obtaining all the armaments. So, here’s our guide on all the trophies and achievements thy Tarnished can unlock in Elden Ring.
All Trophies and Achievements in Elden Ring
There are over 42 trophies you can unlock for completing different challenges in Elden Ring. Mentioned below are all the trophies or achievements you can unlock as you proceed in the game.
Bronze Trophies
- Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon: Defeat Rennala the Queen of the Full Moon, Rennala.
- Lichdragon Fortissax trophy: Defeat Lichdragon Fortissax.
- Godskin Duo trophy: Defeat Goskin Duo.
- Fire Giant trophy: Defeat Fire Giant.
- Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella trophy: Defeat Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella.
- Regal Ancestor Spirit trophy: Defeat Regal Ancestor Spirit.
- Valiant Gargoyle trophy: Defeat Valiant Gargoyle.
- Margit, the Fell Omen trophy: Defeat Margit, the Fell Omen.
- Red Wolf of Radagon trophy: Defeat the Red Wolf of Radagon.
- Goskin Noble trophy: Defeat Goskin Noble.
- Magma Wyrm Makar trophy: Defeat Magma Wyrm Makar.
- Godfrey the First Lord trophy: Defeat Odfrey, the First Lord.
- Mohg, the Omen trophy: Defeat Mohg, the Omen.
- Mimic Tear trophy: Defeat Mimic Tear.
- Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree trophy: Defeat Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree.
- Astel, Naturalborn of the Void trophy: Defeat Astel, Naturalborn of the Void.
- Leonine Misbegotten trophy: Defeat the Leonine Misbegotten.
- Royal Knight Loretta trophy: Defeat Royal Knight Loretta.
- Elemer of the Briar trophy: Defeat Elemer of the Briar.
- Ancestor Spirit trophy: Defeat Ancestor Spirit.
- Commander Niall trophy: Defeat Commander Niall.
- Roundtable Hold trophy: Arrive at Roundtable Hold.
- Great Rune trophy: Restore the power of a Great Rune.
- Erdtree Aflame trophy: Use kindling to set the Erdtree aflame.
Silver Trophies
- Shardbearer Godrick trophy: Defeat Shardbearer Godrick.
- Shardbearer Radahn trophy: Defeat Shardbearer Radahn.
- Shardbearer Morgott trophy: Defeat Shardbearer Morgott.
- Shardbearer Rykard trophy: Defeat Shardbearer Rykard.
- Shardbearer Malenia trophy: Defeat Shardbearer Malenia.
- Shardbearer Mohg trophy: Defeat Shardbearer Mohg.
- Maliketh the Black Blade trophy: Defeat Shardbearer Maliketh the Black Blade.
- Hoarah Loux the Warrior trophy: Defeat Hoarah Loux, the Warrior.
- Dragonlord Placidusax trophy: Defeat Dragonlord Placidusax.
- God-Slaying Armament trophy: Upgrade any armament to its highest stage.
- Legendary Armaments trophy: Acquire all legendary armaments.
- Legendary Ashen Remains trophy: Acquire all legendary ashen remains.
- Legendary Sorceries and Incantations trophy: Acquire all legendary sorceries and incantations.
- Legendary Talismans trophy: Acquire all legendary talismans.
Gold Trophies
- Elden Lord trophy: Achieve the Elden Lord ending.
- Age of the Stars trophy: Achieve the Age of the Stars ending.
- Lord of Frenzied Flame trophy: Achieve the Lord of the Frenzied Flame ending.
Platinum Trophy in Elden Ring
- You can unlock the platinum trophy after unlocking all the trophies in Elden Ring.
Summarizing the entire trophies list, there are 24 bronze trophies, 14 silver trophies, 3 Gold Trophies, and 1 platinum trophy players can unlock. While some of the challenges can take a toll on the beginners, some of the challenges like arriving at Roundtable Hold are barely challenging to begin with.
That’s all on all the trophies and achievements in Elden Ring. If this guide helped you, make sure to check our other articles on how to beat Mad Tongue Alberich, how to beat Radahn Starcrouge, and how to beat Godrick, the Grafted in Elden Ring right here on Gamer Tweak.