In the medieval, fantasy world of Elden Ring, players can choose to play a variety of characters and do almost anything. This includes sorcery and incantations. Among the many incantations that exist in the game, there is one called Lightning Spear. This incantation inflicts a huge amount of lightning damage upon whoever is dealt with it. No wonder why so many players are looking for it in the great lands of the game. This is your guide on how to get your hands on the Lightning Spear incantation in Elden Ring.

How to Locate And Get the Lightning Spear in Elden Ring

Lightning Spear Location in Elden Ring

To get the Lightning Spear incantation, you will have to follow these steps:

  • Go to the East of Liurnia (South of the Artist’s Shack)
  • Fight the Golden Knight that travels on that road
  • Once you win, you will get the Dragon Cult Prayerbook in the loot

How to Get the Incantation in Elden Ring

Now, you can go to any one of the following to give the Prayerbook in the Church of Vows. They will exchange the same for the incantation:

  • Brother Corhyn
  • Miriel (Pastor of Vows)

Now, in return, you can get the incantation by following these steps:

  • Click on study incantations
  • Select Lightning Spear
  • You will have to pay 6000 Runes for the same

Now, you will now have the Lightning Spear in your grasp. To use this spell, you will need at least 17 Faith. You can use this spell in a variety of scenarios and is worth the trouble. As you will now be able to use it in long-range easily apart from being able to charge it in order to inflict more damage on your opponents.

Remember though, the more Faith that you have, the better the damage that your spear will deal. And so, it is wise to get your Faith up in the game if you want to use this incantation.

This was your guide on how to locate and get the Lightning Spear incantation in Elden Ring. If you liked this guide then check out this one on how to get the Sorcerer Rogier’s Set.