Destiny 2: Forsaken has a new exotic quest – Journal of the Reef Cryptarch. Here at Gamer Tweak, we will show you how to complete the quest in just 3 major steps. Once you complete the quest, it will result in the reintroduction of Thunderlord, one of the popular machine gun Exotic from the first Destiny. So without any further ado, let’s begin with the Destiny 2: Forsaken Quest Walkthrough.

Journal of the Reef Cryptarch Walkthrough

In order to complete the quest, there are really only a couple steps you need to follow all thanks to a timing event which will take a few weeks or so.

Step 1: Talk To Amanda Holliday

Go to the Tower and speak with Amanda Holliday to receive the Journal of the Reef Cryptarch. The shipwright has been host to all of the Festival of the Lost events, and this quest is no different. Speak to her, and she’ll ask you to collect 10 pages that were lost from the dead Cryptarch’s journal.

Step 2: Collect 10 Pages From The Lost Cryptarch’s Journal

Locate the journal pages which can be done in a few ways but so far most have found success going through the process of finding Glimmer Extraction Mining events within the EDZ around Trossland and The Sludge in order to harvest legendary and exotic engrams from Fallen units.

Step 3: Journal Encryption Cracked

Once you have gathered the pages head back to Amanda Holliday who will decode the encryption. This will take some time and as a result, no one has progressed any further at the current moment. It may take a day or as long as the next reset, so you’ll just have to hold tight for now. We will update this guide once the needed time has passed, the quest will progress on its own.

Check our other guide for Trips and Tricks for Destiny 2: Forsaken