Cyberpunk does not allow you to change a few key controls. On top of it, the game has a double tap mechanism for dodging that makes the controls very challenging. If you are not used to this double tap mechanic, it is certain that you will be looking to disable the double dodge and then rebind the dodge key in Cyberpunk 2077, and that’s exactly what we are here for. Continue reading this guide until the very end to know how you can get rid of the default dodging and include your custom keybinds to dodge.

Cyberpunk 2077 How to Disable Double Tap to Dodge

To disable double tap to dodge in Cyberpunk 2077, you will have to make some changes to the “inputContexts.xml” file. Before getting into the details, create a backup of the original file at some location, in case anything goes wrong. Once you have the backup, follow this step-by-step guide to disable double tap to dodge.

  • Locate Cyberpunk 2077 install folder
  • Navigate to “r6 -> config”
  • Search for “inputContexts.xml” file and open it in a text editor
  • Use Ctrl + F to look for “MULTITAP ACTIONS” (It will take you to a comment, and there will be six lines below it)
  • Find lines having “DodgeForward”, “DodgeRight”, “DodgeBack”, and “DodgeLeft” below “MULTITAP ACTIONS”
  • Each line will have count = 2, change this to count = 50
  • Look for the line that has just “Dodge” below the “MULTITAP ACTION”
  • Change the count from 2 to count 1 in the line that has just “Dodge”
  • Save and exit the file

This will disable double tap to dodge in Cyberpunk 2077 and change the required tap for dodging from 2 to 1.

How to Rebind Dodge Key in Cyberpunk 2077

Once you are done with the above settings, follow the below step-by-step guide to rebind the dodge key.

  • Open the “inputUserMappings.xml” file from the same “r6 -> config” folder location
  • Search for “Dodge_Button”
  • There will be three lines below it beginning with “<button id=”
  • Delete the two entries with “IK_LControl” and “IK_C”
  • Now add an entry
  • Save the file and exit

This will rebind the dodge key in Cyberpunk 2077 to whatever you have mentioned in the