You can’t deny the fact that Respawn Games’ Apex Legends does character introduction in the best way possible, Apex released a trailer for the upcoming character Crypto who is a hacker by profession.

The trailer shows Crypto working and finding out someone else has been rigging the games and determining the outcome of the games in the Outlands. The trailer shows Crypto being falsely blamed for the disappearance of his sister Mila and being on the run.

As reported earlier, Crypto will be accompanied by a drone who helps him hack through cameras and find an escape route. He will surely be a fun addition to Apex Legends and bring a new dynamic to the game.

Crypto is scheduled to debut in Apex Legends on the 1st of October which will see the end of the Voidwalker event as well.

Apex Legends is also on the verge of concluding the Season 2 and Season 3 will see Crypto being introduced to the game with a possibility of more being added later. Season 3 might also bring new events which focus on a particular character as we’ve seen for Wraith and Bloodhound.

Apex Legends is developed by Respawn Games and is available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.