Many wedding receptions show a looping PowerPoint presentation with old photos of the bride, the groom, and their antics before and after they met.

These PowerPoint presentations for special events, like weddings, are easy to make. Follow this guide to create a wonderful memory for the newlyweds and their guests.

Make a Checklist

You’re eager and think you’re all set to create a PowerPoint slideshow. However, it’s best to sit down and go through your ideas. Then, make a checklist of what to do and what to gather for this milestone occasion.

Information in this article applies to PowerPoint 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010; PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, and PowerPoint for Mac.

Start Collecting

Think about what you want to share with the happy couple, as well as all the guests.

Make sure your wedding presentation is filled with great memories by searching for:

  • Photos of the couple as children.Photos with their friends and family.Photos of important dates in their lives, like graduations, when they met, and others.

After you’ve collected this information, make sure everything is in a format that can be imported into PowerPoint. Here are a few things you’ll need to do:

  • Scan paper photos if you do not have digital copies.Scan any precious mementos the couple may have if you can get your hands on them, such as a theater program from high school.Download songs that are special to the couple.

Optimize Pictures

Optimize photos before you insert them into your presentation by adjusting both visual size and file size. This improves the appearance of your presentation. Optimizing photos prevents pictures from being too large and cut off. It also keeps the PowerPoint file to a manageable and transportable size.

Compress Photos to Reduce File Size

If you didn’t optimize your photos, there’s another way to reduce the overall file size of your final presentation. Compress photos to automatically reduce the file size of photos and to ensure your presentation runs smoothly.

Create Slideshows With a Photo Album

Insert a photo album in your presentation to display several photos in your presentation at the same time. Add effects, such as frames and captions, to jazz up your presentation.

Work With Backgrounds, Design Templates, and Themes

Whether you want to go the easy route and simply change the background color of the presentation, or you decide to coordinate the whole show using a colorful design theme, the process is a matter of a few clicks. Use design templates and themes to create a presentation-wide look that reflects the mood you’re going for. The Microsoft website offers a variety of PowerPoint templates for many different occasions.

Use Transitions Between Slides

Make your slideshow move smoothly from one slide to another by applying transitions. If your presentation has different subjects, such as the young years, dating years, and just plain fun times, ​apply a different transition to separate these sections. However, don’t overuse transitions. Limit transitions so that the audience is focused on the show and not on the slideshow effects.

Add Music to Your Presentation

Every couple has their song. Add that song to the presentation and further enhance the couple’s special moment. You can add more than one song to the presentation, start and stop on specific slides for effect, or have one song play throughout the whole slideshow.

Control the Speed of Your Presentation

Control how long your presentation displays each slide, and even vary this from slide to slide by adjusting the timing.

  • Select the slide you want to customize the timing and go to Transitions.
  • In the Timing group, place a check next to After and enter the amount of time PowerPoint should delay before advancing to the next slide.
  • If you want that same delay to apply to all slides, select Apply To All.

Automate the Wedding Presentation

Enjoy your hard work and spend time with guests at the reception. Automate the slideshow so it plays on a loop and without you attending to it.

Select the slide you want to customize the timing and go to Transitions.

In the Timing group, place a check next to After and enter the amount of time PowerPoint should delay before advancing to the next slide.

If you want that same delay to apply to all slides, select Apply To All.

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