In Last of Us Part 2, you can upgrade your character by unlocking new skills. Each skill has five upgrades and requires some amount of Supplements. Also to unlock a specific skill three for example Crafting you will need to find its Training Manual. Or else it remains unlocked. To give you more details on character upgrades this Last of 2 Skills guide will help you in understanding all the branches and list of skills. What they do and how much supplements are required for a full character upgrade.

Supplements in Last of Us 2 are like Skill Points. Now in other games you earn One Skill point on killing enemies that rewards you XP. Once you reach an amount of XP a Skill Point is rewarded, but this thing is different in Last of Us Part 2. There is no XP system, you have to collect Supplements and Training to unlock skills and upgrade them. Here is a detailed guide that can help you understand everything.

All Player Upgrades in Last of Part 2

There are a total of 10 player upgrades or in simpler words skills in Last of Us 2. Only one is unlocked when you start playing the game and there are five upgrades in each skill. Each one costs a specific amount of supplements to unlock the next level. For example Survival skill tree which can boost your Listen Ability. To upgrade all branches of every skill tree will cost approx 1900 supplements.

1. Survival Skill Upgrade Cost

  • Listen Mode Movement Speed I – 30 Supplements.
  • Faster Health Kits – 30 Supplements.
  • Increased Health – 60 Supplements.
  • Listen Mode Movement Speed II – 40 Supplements.
  • Endure – 60 Supplements.

Survival focus on Listen and Health upgrades of the player. Upgrading all the branches of this skill tree will cost you total of 220 Supplements.

2. Crafting Skill Upgrade Cost

  • Craft Melee Upgrades – 20 Supplements.
  • Faster Crafting – 40 Supplements.
  • Craft Smoke Bombs – 40 Supplements.
  • Craft Improved Health Kits – 40 Supplements.
  • Craft more Smoke Bombs – 40 Supplements.

Crafting Skill Tree focus on crafting melee weapons upgrades and speed of crafting. Melee weapons damage on usage, and unlocking the first branch for 20 supplements will help you to increases its damage and durability. And so you can enhance the crafting of explosives and overall crafting speed. Upgrading all the branches of this skill tree will cost you total of 170 Supplements.

3. Stealth Skill Upgrade Cost

  • Craft Silencers – 20 Supplements.
  • Listen Mode Clarity – 40 Supplements.
  • Faster Prone Movement – 50 Supplements.
  • Improved Silencers – 40 Supplements.
  • Faster Stealth Kills – 60 Supplements.

Stealth is a very important and useful ability in Last of Us Part 2. With this skill three, you can learn to craft silencer to silent your weapons. You can improve prone speed and speed to kill enemies faster in the stealth mode. Upgrading all the branches of this skill tree will cost you total of 210 Supplements.

4. Explosives Skill Upgrade Cost

  • Craft Explosive Arrows – 20 Supplements.
  • Improved Trap Mines – 20 Supplements.
  • Improved Molotov – 40 Supplements.
  • Craft more Trap Mines – 50 Supplements.
  • Craft more Explosive Arrows – 40 Supplements.

Explosives will help you to take down multiple enemies without wasting bullets and it is highly important to upgrade the same. Unlocking this skill tree will allow you to craft explosive arrows, and increase the amount of crafting explosives. Upgrading all the branches of this skill tree will cost you a total of 170 Supplements.

5. Precision Skill Upgrade Cost

  • Aim Stability Increase – 30 Supplements.
  • Faster Aim Movement – 30 Supplements.
  • Listen Mode Range – 40 Supplements.
  • Hold Breath – 40 Supplements.
  • Craft more Arrows – 40 Supplements.

To get more precision while killing enemies focus on the Precision skill of Last of Us Part 2. One of the best branches under this skill is to increase the Listen Mode Range. Upgrading all the branches of this skill tree will cost you total of 180 Supplements.

6. Field Tactics Skill Upgrade Cost

  • Increased Health – 30 Supplements.
  • Listen Mode Clarity – 40 Supplements.
  • Hold Breath – 30 Supplements.
  • Listen Mode Range – 40 Supplements.
  • Increased Health – 50 Supplements.

Field Tactics focuses on one of the most important character upgrades, Health. The first and the last player upgrade increase your health bar. Upgrading all the branches of this skill tree will cost you total of 190 Supplements.

7.Covert Ops Skill Upgrade Cost

  • Craft Shivs – 20 Supplements.
  • Listen Mode Movement Speed I – 40 Supplements.
  • Grabbed Enemy Movement Speed – 50 Supplements.
  • Faster Prone Movement – 40 Supplements.
  • Craft More Shivs – 50 Supplements.

Field Tactics focuses on one of the most important character upgrades, Health. The first and the last player upgrade increase your health bar. Upgrading all the branches of this skill tree will cost you total of 200 Supplements.

8.Firearms Skill Upgrade Cost

  • Craft Incendiary Shells – 20 Supplements.
  • Craft Hunting Pistol Ammo – 20 Supplements.
  • Faster Aim Movement – 40 Supplements.
  • Craft more Hunting Pistol Ammo – 50 Supplements.
  • Craft more Incendiary Shells – 50 Supplements.

For getting better bullets this skill tree will give you all kinds of upgrades. Upgrading all the branches of this skill tree will cost you total of 180 Supplements.

9.Close Quarters Skill Upgrade Cost

  • Momentum – 40 Supplements.
  • Craft Improved Health Kits – 50 Supplements.
  • Aim Stability Increase – 20 Supplements.
  • Faster Health Kits – 50 Supplements.
  • Momentum Duration – 50 Supplements.

Close Quarters skill tree to focus on offering you more speed in using things. Upgrading all the branches of this skill tree will cost you total of 210 Supplements.

10.Ordnance Skill Upgrade Cost

  • Faster Crafting – 40 Supplements.
  • Improved Melee Weapon Upgrades – 50 Supplements.
  • Improved Pipe Bombs – 20 Supplements.
  • Improved Silencers – 50 Supplements.
  • Craft more Pipe Bombs – 50 Supplements.

Some support for the crafting speed and pipe bombs. Upgrading all the branches of this skill tree will cost you a total of 170 Supplements.

You can pick the best player upgrades using the above list in Last of Us Part 2. It will be easier for you to focus on which is the best skills to go for and which to ignore. Do not forget to have a look on TLOU2 Wiki guide for the latest tips and tricks.