Attention New World players! Are you looking to play the game and need a little assistance? Learn how to play this game from a complete beginner’s POV. In this New World Beginner guide, we will explain everything you need to know about choosing the right build, shortening your grind and more. Let’s walk right into what you need to do to win.

New World Beginners Tips and Tricks

Since the game doesn’t require a specific player role, you have the liberty to craft your own path. This could work to both your advantage as well as create a dilemma. For these reasons, it’s important for beginners to understand New World and its in-game working. Fret not, we created this New World beginner’s guide to help you understand this to boost your selection.

Selecting the Correct Build

Among the builds available in New World, choose to direct your points to the style that suits you best. It’s however advised that your build corresponds to a balance that can benefit your play on multiple occasions. For Beginners in New World, it’s important to remember to pay adequate attention to your build keeping an eye on boosts. Your build directly influences your expedition success at level 24. Your versatility in weapon and build choice is what determines your victories.

Completing Quests and Side Quests

Of the four locations you can spawn at, each has their own set of side quests. These quests prove pivotal in gaining the required xp points to level up and tackle more demanding enemies later on in the game. As a Beginner in New World, If you happen to spawn at Everfall, the foes you may encounter in the side quests could be a bit tricky to deal with. It’d be a better idea to head over to a location with easier side quests first and completing that line. An option here is to start by finishing the side quests in First Light. Quests like town missions may see meagre xp yield, however these will help in the long run.

Lowering Travel Time by Re-spawning

New World has no mounts (not at least until now) which means you’re going to be using your feet to get from point to point. This simply means you’ll be wasting a lot of time in traversing to and fro while questing. Beginners will often find this infuriating in New World. To cut down these travel times, consider killing your character. This will enable you to re-spawn at the quest assignment’s origin. A simple trick such as this one will save you a lot of hours when counting all the travel time during quests.

Also Read | How to Catch Snails in New World

Patiently grinding through the Game

This seems a little off putting as a Beginner in New World but is what will influence your climb when the latter levels of higher foes come into play. Go through the faction strengths – a server with a dominant faction contributes to greater outputs. Invest in intricately crafting your weapons – higher levelled weapons will hold better boost slots.

The end-point of this MMO much like every single MMO in existence – level up at the speed of light. We hope this New World Beginner’s guide helped you get an understanding of what you’ll need to do in-game. May the supernatural island of Aeternum be yours to conquer, if you don’t die to the corruption first!

If you liked this guide and it assisted you, be sure to check out how to get and farm Gems in New World.