Good news! If you’ve been using Chrome for a while now, you know that it is an awesome web browser. Well now you also be happy to know that a Metro style version will be soon available for Windows 8 too. Chrome in Metro is being designed to work well in the traditional desktop and in the new Metro environment for the upcoming release of Windows on any x86 PC. This means that everyone, but with the exception of ARM devices running Windows RT, will be able to install the new version of Chrome.

The image above is one of the first shots, at the moment it looks like any version of the web browser, however it will integrate with Windows 8 new functionality, such as snap view and charms.

The bits will probably be available in the near future and you’ll be able to download the software from the Chromium dev channels page. The Chromium team also acknowledged that the first public build is likely to be somewhat rough, so if you stumble upon a bug the Chromium team will like to hear about it. 

Source Chromium blog via The Verge