Chromebooks are designed to delivers a product line of compact notebooks ideal for daily use and promises a risk-free performance from malware and other viruses. Build on Linux operating system Chrome OS can already run Google Play store from where users can download and try out a ton of free apps and game. But what after this?

Gaming on  Chromebook is far from reality, but recently talking to – Kan Liu, Director of Product Management for Google’s Chrome OS has revealed that Chrome team is working on bringing in support for Steam on Chrome operating system.

Without adding more Liu simply hinted that there will be a Steam support on Google Chrome that will unlock more possibilities in for the thin notebooks in future. During CES 2020 Intel revealed Intel’s Tiger Lake Micro-Architecture which will empower portable laptops to run high-end games like Destiny 2. Tiger Lake Micro-Architecture also features DG1 Discreet Graphic support that will definitely power ultra-think notebooks to run high-end games but at what cost?

There is no confirmed timeline when Chrome OS will get support for Steam, but it is a good news coming up for those who are looking for gaming support on portable notebooks especially that is powered by Chrome OS. This is more like porting games directly to Linux if there is a kind of Steam OS support, but yet nothing enough is revealed.
