When you make a new PowerPoint presentation, the default font used in the template you chose may not be the look you’re after for your slideshow. Whether it is the title, subtitle, or bulleted list, you have the option to change fonts for any or all of these text formats. Then, every time you add text to a slide, you don’t have to change the font each time you add a new text box.

Change the Font in the Slide Master

It is possible to individually change fonts on each slide — for example, dimming certain text to make other text stand out more boldly, but this can take a lot of time. Save time and make a global change in your current presentation using the Slide Master. To accomplish this:

Instructions in this article apply to PowerPoint 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, and PowerPoint for Mac.

  • Go to View.
  • In the Master Views group, select Slide Master. A new tab appears labeled Slide Master.
  • Screenshot
  • A set of slides appears in the Slide pane of the Master view. The top slide is called the Slide Master. To change fonts, select a text box.
  • Screenshot
  • Go to Home and, in the Font group, select the font, size, style, color, and effects you want to apply to the text box.
  • Screenshot
  • Alternatively, in PowerPoint for Windows-based systems, select the Font dialog box launcher (it’s the small arrow in the corner of the group) to open the Font dialog box.
  • Screenshot
  • Make any changes to the font type, style, size, color, and effects that you want. Select OK when you have made all your changes.

Replace Individual Fonts in a Presentation

When you’ve finished a presentation and decide you want to use a different font, change fonts using the Replace function.

Go to View.

In the Master Views group, select Slide Master. A new tab appears labeled Slide Master.

A set of slides appears in the Slide pane of the Master view. The top slide is called the Slide Master. To change fonts, select a text box.

Go to Home and, in the Font group, select the font, size, style, color, and effects you want to apply to the text box.

Alternatively, in PowerPoint for Windows-based systems, select the Font dialog box launcher (it’s the small arrow in the corner of the group) to open the Font dialog box.

Make any changes to the font type, style, size, color, and effects that you want. Select OK when you have made all your changes.

  • Go to Home and, then in the Editing group, select the Replace dropdown arrow.
  • Screenshot
  • Select Replace Fonts to open the Replace Font dialog box.
  • Screenshot
  • Select the font that you want to change in the Replace field.
  • Select the font you want to change to in the With field. Once you’ve made your selections, select Replace.
  • Change other fonts in the presentation, if needed.
  • Select Close when you’re finished changing fonts.

Once you change the default font, all future text boxes take on these properties, unlike changing individual slides. If you change fonts on individual slides, you’ll have to change any new slides you create afterward.

Go to Home and, then in the Editing group, select the Replace dropdown arrow.

Select Replace Fonts to open the Replace Font dialog box.

Select the font that you want to change in the Replace field.

Select the font you want to change to in the With field. Once you’ve made your selections, select Replace. 

Change other fonts in the presentation, if needed.

Select Close when you’re finished changing fonts.

Test out your changes by creating a new slide. The new slide should reflect the new font choice.

Additional information

  • 10 Font Tips for Presenters
  • Font Problems in PowerPoint
  • Custom Design Templates and Master Slides in PowerPoint

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