With the arrival of Call of Duty Vanguard, fans of the franchise are eagerly waiting to know all about the Operator characters present in the game. Currently, there are 12 of these special characters, and there may be more coming in the near future. With all the excitement around the game, we bet you want to know all you can about these unique characters. In this guide, we will show you exactly that.

All 12 Operator Characters in Call of Duty Vanguard

Halima Zambardi – Operator in Call of Duty Vanguard

Halima Zambardi is one of the 12 Operator characters in Call of Duty Vanguard. She is an Italian Somalian Resistance Fighter and she belongs to the Hellhounds (S.O.T.F 002) task force.

Daniel Yatsu

Daniel Yatsu is an Infantryman from the Hellhounds (S.O.T.F 002) task force. He is of Japanese American descent.

Arthur Kingsley – Operator in Call of Duty Vanguard

Arthur Kingsley is a Sentinel leader from the Sentinel (S.O.T.F 003) of British Cameroon descent.

Roland Zeimet

Roland Zeimet is a defector from the Luxembourg Axis and he belongs to the Barbarian (S.O.T.F 004) task force.

Constanze Trude Muller – Call of Duty Vanguard


Just like Roland Zeimet, Constanze Trude Muller is a defector from the German Axis. She belongs to the Sentinel (S.O.T.F 003) task force.

Wade Jackson

Wade Jackson is the leader of the Hellhounds. He is of Italian American descent, and he belongs to the Hellhounds (S.O.T.F 002) task force.

Padmavati Balan – Operator

Padmavati Balan is a member of the Indian National Infantry. She is a part of the Sentinel (S.O.T.F 003)

Lucas Riggs

Lucas Riggs is the charismatic Australian leader of the Barbarians. He belongs to the Barbarian (S.O.T.F 004) task force.

Solange Hardewijk

Solange Hardewijk is a Dutch Aruban SOE agent. and belongs to the Shadow (S.O.T.F 005) task force.

Shigenori Ota

Shigenori Ota is a defector from the Japanese Navy. He is a part of the Shadow (S.O.T.F 005) task force.

Beatrice Mercier

Beatrice Mercier is a resistance fighter from France and belongs to the Barbarian (S.O.T.F 004) task force.

These are all of the 12 playable Operator characters in COD Vanguard. As the game progresses, you can expect more playable characters in the future too. We will update this page will new operators, if any. Until then, check out our guide on the Best Call of Duty Vanguard PC Keyboard & Mouse Keybind Settings.