Let’s take a look at what double XP events are in Call Of Duty and how you can take advantage of them when they arrive. These events take place periodically and Activision tends to notify players beforehand so you can have plenty of time to maximize time throughout your weekend.

Call Of Duty Double XP Events

Earning XP to level up is sort of like a daily routine when it comes to video games. Call of Duty is no exception. It has a myriad of places where you need to earn XP such as the ranking system where you can hit Prestige, The battle passes, weapon levels, and more.

In order to help you get some XP, Activision runs Double XP events from time to time for a certain number of days. When these events are rolling you can play your favorite game modes that you usually do and get double the amount of experience by just playing.

This will work for both Vanguard and Warzone and is the best time to play the game and rack up that experience. You can spend your time on the multiplayer playlists and work your way towards earning your first Prestige or gild it if you already have it. Or how about playing Warzone match-ups and trying to get that sweet victory and bank crazy amounts of XP? Then you can also use certain weapons, rank them up by stacking kills with them and unlock attachments and other goodies for them? And finally, you have the battle pass which will net you some incredible cosmetics and in-game currencies which will help you buy the new battle passes.

The best part of these XP events is whatever you do or choose to play, you’ll always be ranking up. Quickly at that too and these truly are the best of times to play the game be it to hone your skills or to just level up fast.

These events usually happen on weekends and Activision announces them beforehand on their blog and in-game so you can be prepared to sink your time in and get ready to hit your goals.

Call of Duty multiplayer sure needs some work but there is no denying that it’s always a good time so twitch your fingers and get ready to go on killstreaks when these Double XP events arrive and make sure to check other articles on Call Of Duty, here at GamerTweak.